Nuxt Scripts will insert relevant warmup link
tags to optimize the loading of your scripts. Optimizing
for the quickest load after Nuxt has finished hydrating.
For example if we have a script like so:
This code will load in /script.js
on the onNuxtReady
event. As the network may be idle while your Nuxt App is hydrating,
Nuxt Scripts will use this time to warmup the script by inserting a preload
tag in the head
of the document.
<link rel="preload" href="/script.js" as="script" fetchpriority="low">
The behavior is only applied when we are using the client
or onNuxtReady
Script Triggers.
To customize the behavior further we can use the warmupStrategy
The warmupStrategy
option can be used to customize the link
tag inserted for the script. The option can be a function
that returns an object with the following properties:
- Disable warmup.'preload'
- Preload the script, use when the script is loaded immediately.'preconnect'
or 'dns-prefetch'
- Preconnect to the script origin, use when you know a script will be loaded within 10 seconds. Only works when loading a script from a different origin, will fallback to false
if the origin is the same.All of these options can also be passed to a callback function, which can be useful when have a dynamic trigger for the script.
The warmup
function can be called explicitly to add either preconnect or preload link tags for a script. This will only work the first time the function is called.
This can be useful when you know that the script is going to be loaded shortly.
const script = useScript('/video.js', {
trigger: 'manual'
// warmup the script when we think the user may need the script
onVisible(videoContainer, () => {
// load it in
onClick(videoContainer, () => {