Show Google Adsense ads in your Nuxt app.


The Google Adsense integration has not been fully tested, use with caution.

Google Adsense allows you to monetize your website by displaying ads.

Nuxt Scripts provides a useScriptGoogleAdsense composable and a headless ScriptGoogleAdsense component to interact with the Google Adsense.


The ScriptGoogleAdsense component is a wrapper around the useScriptGoogleAdsense composable. It provides a simple way to embed ads in your Nuxt app.


Handling Ad-blockers

You can use these hooks to add a fallback when the Google Adsense script is blocked.

    <template #error>
      <!-- Fallback ad -->
      Please support us by disabling your ad blocker.

Component API

See the Facade Component API for full props, events, and slots.


The ScriptGoogleAdsense component supports all props that Google Adsense supports on the <ins> tag. See the Ad tags documentation for more information.

At a minimum you must provide the following tags:

  • data-ad-client: The Google Adsense ID.
  • data-ad-slot: The slot ID.


The useScriptGoogleAdsense composable lets you have fine-grain control over the Google Adsense script.

export function useScriptGoogleAdsense<T extends GoogleAdsenseApi>(_options?: GoogleAdsenseInput) {}

Please follow the Registry Scripts guide to learn more about advanced usage.

Site Ownership Verification

When a client is provided, a meta tag will be inserted on the page so that Google can verify your site ownership.

const adsense = useScriptGoogleAdsense({
  client: 'ca-pub-<your-id>',

The generated meta tag will look like this:

<meta name="google-adsense-account" content="ca-pub-<your-id>">


export interface GoogleAdsenseApi {
  adsbygoogle: any[] & { loaded: boolean }


export const GoogleAdsenseOptions = object({
   * The Google Adsense ID.
  client: optional(string()),