Fathom Analytics

Use Fathom Analytics in your Nuxt app.

Fathom Analytics is a great privacy analytics solution for your Nuxt app. It doesn't gather personal data from your visitors, yet provides detailed insights into how your site is used.

Loading Globally

The simplest way to load Fathom Analytics globally in your Nuxt App is to use your Nuxt config, providing your site ID as a string.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  scripts: {
    registry: {
      fathomAnalytics: {
        site: 'YOUR_TOKEN_ID'

Composable useScriptFathomAnalytics

The useScriptFathomAnalytics composable lets you have fine-grain control over when and how Fathom Analytics is loaded on your site.



  • Trigger: Script will load when Nuxt is hydrated.


export const FathomAnalyticsOptions = object({
   * The Fathom Analytics site ID.
  site: string(),
   * The Fathom Analytics tracking mode.
  spa: optional(union([literal('auto'), literal('history'), literal('hash')])),
   * Automatically track page views.
  auto: optional(boolean()),
   * Enable canonical URL tracking.
  canonical: optional(boolean()),
   * Honor Do Not Track requests.
  honorDnt: optional(boolean()),

Additionally like all registry scripts you can provide extra configuration:

  • scriptInput - HTML attributes to add to the script tag.
  • scriptOptions - See Script Options. Bundling is not supported, bundle: true will not do anything.

Return values

The Fathom Analytics composable injects a window.fathom object into the global scope.

export interface FathomAnalyticsApi {
  beacon: (ctx: { url: string, referrer?: string }) => void
  blockTrackingForMe: () => void
  enableTrackingForMe: () => void
  isTrackingEnabled: () => boolean
  send: (type: string, data: unknown) => void
  setSite: (siteId: string) => void
  sideId: string
  trackPageview: (ctx?: { url: string, referrer?: string }) => void
  trackGoal: (goalId: string, cents: number) => void
  trackEvent: (eventName: string, value: { _value: number }) => void

You can access the fathom object as a proxy directly or await the $script promise to access the object. It's recommended to use the proxy for any void functions.

const { proxy } = useScriptFathomAnalytics()
function trackMyGoal() {
  proxy.trackGoal('MY_GOAL_ID', 100)


Loading Fathom Analytics through the app.vue when Nuxt is ready.

<script setup>
  site: 'YOUR_SITE_ID',
  scriptOptions: {
    trigger: 'onNuxtReady'