Matomo Analytics

Use Matomo Analytics in your Nuxt app.

Matomo Analytics is a great analytics solution for Nuxt Apps.

It provides detailed insights into how your website is performing, how users are interacting with your content, and how they are navigating through your site.

The simplest way to load Matomo Analytics globally in your Nuxt App is to use Nuxt config. Alternatively you can directly use the useScriptMatomoAnalytics composable.

Loading Globally

The following config assumes you're using Matomo Cloud with the default siteId of 1.

If you're self-hosting, you'll need to provide the matomoUrl instead. If you have other sites you want to track, you can add them using siteId.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  scripts: {
    registry: {
      matomoAnalytics: {
        cloudId: 'YOUR_CLOUD_ID', // e.g.


The useScriptMatomoAnalytics composable lets you have fine-grain control over when and how Matomo Analytics is loaded on your site.

const matomoAnalytics = useScriptMatomoAnalytics({
  cloudId: 'YOUR_CLOUD_ID', // e.g.

By default, a siteId of 1 is used and the page is not tracked. You can enable tracking by setting trackPageView to true.

const matomoAnalytics = useScriptMatomoAnalytics({
  cloudId: 'YOUR_CLOUD_ID', // e.g.
  trackPageView: true,
  siteId: 2,

If you'd like more control over the tracking, for example to set a custom dimension, you can send events using the proxy object.

const { proxy } = useScriptMatomoAnalytics({
  cloudId: 'YOUR_CLOUD_ID', // e.g.

// set custom dimension
proxy._paq.push(['setCustomDimension', 1, 'value'])
// send page event

Please see the Config Schema for all available options.

Using Matomo Self-Hosted

For self-hosted Matomo, set matomoUrl to customize tracking, you may need to set the trackerUrl if you've customized this.

const matomoAnalytics = useScriptMatomoAnalytics({
  // e.g. & both exists
  matomoUrl: '',

Using Matomo Whitelabel

For Matomo Whitelabel, set trackerUrl and scriptInput.src to customize tracking.

const matomoAnalytics = useScriptMatomoAnalytics({
  trackerUrl: '',
  scriptInput: {
    src: '',

Please follow the Registry Scripts guide to learn more about advanced usage.


interface MatomoAnalyticsApi {
  _paq: unknown[]

Config Schema

You must provide the options when setting up the script for the first time.

// matomoUrl and site are required
export const MatomoAnalyticsOptions = object({
  matomoUrl: optional(string()),
  siteId: optional(string()),
  trackerUrl: optional(string()),
  trackPageView: optional(boolean()),
  enableLinkTracking: optional(boolean()),
  disableCookies: optional(boolean()),


Using Matomo Analytics only in production while using _paq to send a conversion event.

<script setup lang="ts">
const { proxy } = useScriptMatomoAnalytics()

// noop in development, ssr
// just works in production, client
function sendConversion() {
  proxy._paq.push(['trackGoal', 1])

    <button @click="sendConversion">
      Send Conversion