
Google Tag Manager

Use Google Tag Manager in your Nuxt app.

Google Tag Manager is a tag management system that allows you to quickly and easily update tags and code snippets on your website or mobile app, such as those intended for traffic analysis and marketing optimization.

You may not need Google Tag Manager with Nuxt Scripts. GTM is 82kb and will slow down your site. Nuxt Scripts provides many features you can easily implement within your Nuxt app. If you're using GTM for Google Analytics, you can use the useScriptGoogleAnalytics composable instead.

Loading Globally

If you'd like to avoid loading the analytics in development, you can use the Environment overrides in your Nuxt config.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  scripts: {
    registry: {
      googleTagManager: {
        id: '<YOUR_ID>'


The useScriptGoogleTagManager composable lets you have fine-grain control over when and how Google Tag Manager is loaded on your site.

const { proxy } = useScriptGoogleTagManager({
  id: 'YOUR_ID' // id is only needed if you haven't configured globally
// example
proxy.dataLayer.push({ event: 'conversion', value: 1 })

Please follow the Registry Scripts guide to learn more about proxy.

Guide: Sending Page Events

If you'd like to manually send page events to Google Tag Manager, you can use the proxy with the useScriptEventPage composable. This composable will trigger the provided function on route change after the page title has been updated.

const { proxy } = useScriptGoogleTagManager({
  id: 'YOUR_ID' // id is only needed if you haven't configured globally

useScriptEventPage((title, path) => {
  // triggered on route change after title is updated
    event: 'pageview',


interface GoogleTagManagerApi {
  dataLayer: Record<string, any>[]
  google_tag_manager: GoogleTagManager

Config Schema

You must provide the options when setting up the script for the first time.

export const GoogleTagManagerOptions = object({
   * The Google Tag Manager ID.
  id: string(),
   * The name of the dataLayer you want to use
   * @default 'defaultGtm'
  dataLayerName: optional(string())


Using Google Tag Manager only in production while using dataLayer to send a conversion event.

<script setup lang="ts">
const { dataLayer } = useScriptGoogleTagManager()

// noop in development, ssr
// just works in production, client
dataLayer.push({ event: 'conversion-step', value: 1 })
function sendConversion() {
  dataLayer.push({ event: 'conversion', value: 1 })

    <button @click="sendConversion">
      Send Conversion