Snapchat Pixel lets you measure the crossdevice impact for your Snapchat ad campaigns.
Nuxt Scripts provides a registry script composable useScriptSnapchatPixel
to easily integrate Snapchat Pixel in your Nuxt app.
The simplest way to load Snpachat Pixel globally in your Nuxt App is to use Nuxt config. Alternatively you can directly use the useScriptSnapchatPixel composable.
If you don't plan to send custom events you can use the Environment overrides to disable the script in development.
export default defineNuxtConfig({
scripts: {
registry: {
snapchatPixel: {
id: 'YOUR_ID'
If you prefer to configure your id using environment variables.
export default defineNuxtConfig({
scripts: {
registry: {
snapchatPixel: true,
// you need to provide a runtime config to access the environment variables
runtimeConfig: {
public: {
scripts: {
snapchatPixel: {
The useScriptSnapchatPixel
composable lets you have fine-grain control over when and how Snapchat Pixel is loaded on your site.
const { proxy } = useScriptSnapchatPixel({
id: 'YOUR_ID',
user_email: 'USER_EMAIL'
// example
proxy.snaptr('track', 'PURCHASE', {
currency: 'USD',
price: 120.10,
transaction_id: '11111'
Please follow the Registry Scripts guide to learn more about advanced usage.
export interface SnapPixelApi {
snaptr: SnapTrFns & {
push: SnapTrFns
loaded: boolean
version: string
queue: any[]
_snaptr: SnapPixelApi['snaptr']
handleRequest?: SnapTrFns
type SnapTrFns =
((event: 'track', eventName: StandardEvents | '', data?: EventObjectProperties) => void) &
((event: 'init', id: string, data?: Record<string, any>) => void) &
((event: 'init', id: string, data?: InitObjectProperties) => void) &
((event: string, ...params: any[]) => void)
interface EventObjectProperties {
price?: number
client_dedup_id?: string
currency?: string
transaction_id?: string
item_ids?: string[]
item_category?: string
description?: string
search_string?: string
number_items?: number
payment_info_available?: 0 | 1
sign_up_method?: string
success?: 0 | 1
brands?: string[]
delivery_method?: 'in_store' | 'curbside' | 'delivery'
customer_status?: 'new' | 'returning' | 'reactivated'
event_tag?: string
[key: string]: any
interface InitObjectProperties {
user_email?: string
ip_address?: string
user_phone_number?: string
user_hashed_email?: string
user_hashed_phone_number?: string
firstname?: string
lastname?: string
geo_city?: string
geo_region?: string
geo_postal_code?: string
geo_country?: string
age?: string
You must provide the options when setting up the script for the first time.
export const SnapTrPixelOptions = object({
id: string(),
trackPageView: optional(boolean()),
user_email: optional(string()),
ip_address: optional(string()),
user_phone_number: optional(string()),
user_hashed_email: optional(string()),
user_hashed_phone_number: optional(string()),
firstname: optional(string()),
lastname: optional(string()),
geo_city: optional(string()),
geo_region: optional(string()),
geo_postal_code: optional(string()),
geo_country: optional(string()),
age: optional(string()),
Using Snapchat Pixel only in production while using snaptr
to send a conversion event.
<script setup lang="ts">
const { proxy } = useScriptSnapchatPixel()
// noop in development, ssr
// just works in production, client
function sendConversion() {
proxy.snaptr('track', 'PURCHASE', {
currency: 'USD',
price: 120.10,
transaction_id: '11111'
<button @click="sendConversion">
Send Conversion