Google Maps allows you to embed maps in your website and customize them with your content.
Nuxt Scripts provides a useScriptGoogleMaps
composable and a headless ScriptGoogleMaps
component to interact with the Google Maps.
To use Google Maps with full TypeScript support, you will need
to install the @types/google.maps
pnpm add -D @types/google.maps
The ScriptGoogleMaps
component is a wrapper around the useScriptGoogleMaps
composable. It provides a simple way to embed Google Maps in your Nuxt app.
It's optimized for performance by leveraging the Element Event Triggers, only loading the Google Maps when specific elements events happen.
Before Google Maps is loaded, it shows a placeholder using Maps Static API.
By default, it will load on the mouseover
and mouseclick
Showing an interactive JS map requires the Maps JavaScript API, which is a paid service. If a user interacts with the map, the following costs will be incurred:
object instead of a query string for the center
propHowever, if the user never engages with the map, only the Static Maps API usage ($2 per 1000 loads) will be charged, assuming you're using it.
Billing will be optimized in a future update.
You should consider using the Iframe Embed instead if you want to avoid these costs and are okay with a less interactive map.
Static Image: Hover to load interactive
The ScriptGoogleMaps
component accepts the following props.
You must provide a center
prop for the map to load correctly, alternatively you should provide mapOptions
and configure
the center
option there.
: Where to center the map. You can provide a string with the location or use a { lat: 0, lng: 0 }
: The Google Maps API key. Must have access to the Static Maps API as well. You can optionally provide this as runtime config using the public.scripts.googleMaps.apiKey
: Whether to display a marker at the center position. Default is true
: Options for the map. See MapOptions.Placeholder
You can customize the placeholder image using the following props, alternatively, you can use the #placeholder
slot to customize the placeholder image.
: Customize the placeholder image attributes. See Static Maps API.placeholderAttrs
: Customize the placeholder image attributes.Sizing
If you want to render a map larger than 640x640 you should provide your own placeholder as the Static Maps API does not support rendering maps larger than this.
: The width of the map. Default is 640
: The height of the map. Default is 400
: The trigger event to load the Google Maps. Default is mouseover
. See Element Event Triggers for more information.aboveTheFold
: Optimizes the placeholder image for above-the-fold content. Default is false
You can add markers to the static and interactive map by providing an array of MarkerOptions
. See MarkerOptions.
: An array of markers to display on the map.See the markers example for more information.
The Google Maps placeholder image is lazy-loaded by default. You should change this behavior if your map is above the fold
or consider using the #placeholder
slot to customize the placeholder image.
<ScriptGoogleMaps above-the-fold />
If you need more control over the markers on the map, you can use the exposed createAdvancedMapMarker
function which
will return the marker instance.
<script lang="ts" setup>
const googleMapsRef = ref()
onMounted(() => {
const marker = googleMapsRef.value.createAdvancedMapMarker({
position: { }
<ScriptGoogleMaps ref="googleMapsRef" />
The component exposes all internal APIs, so you can customize your map as needed.
<script lang="ts" setup>
const googleMapsRef = ref()
onMounted(async () => {
const api = googleMapsRef.value
// Access internal APIs
const googleMaps = api.googleMaps.value // google.maps api
const mapInstance = // google.maps.Map instance
// Convert a query to lat/lng
const query = await api.resolveQueryToLatLang('Space Needle, Seattle, WA') // { lat: 0, lng: 0 }
// Import a Google Maps library
const geometry = await api.importLibrary('geometry')
const distance = new googleMaps.geometry.spherical.computeDistanceBetween(
new googleMaps.LatLng(0, 0),
new googleMaps.LatLng(0, 0)
<ScriptGoogleMaps ref="googleMapsRef" />
If you want to load the Google Maps immediately, you can use the trigger
<ScriptGoogleMaps trigger="immediate">
You can style the map by using the mapOptions.styles
prop. You can find pre-made styles on Snazzy Maps.
This will automatically work for both the static map placeholder and the interactive map.
<script setup lang="ts">
const mapOptions = {
styles: [{ elementType: 'labels', stylers: [{ visibility: 'off' }, { color: '#f49f53' }] }, { featureType: 'landscape', stylers: [{ color: '#f9ddc5' }, { lightness: -7 }] }, { featureType: 'road', stylers: [{ color: '#813033' }, { lightness: 43 }] }, { featureType: '', stylers: [{ color: '#645c20' }, { lightness: 38 }] }, { featureType: 'water', stylers: [{ color: '#1994bf' }, { saturation: -69 }, { gamma: 0.99 }, { lightness: 43 }] }, { featureType: 'road.local', elementType: 'geometry.fill', stylers: [{ color: '#f19f53' }, { weight: 1.3 }, { visibility: 'on' }, { lightness: 16 }] }, { featureType: '' }, { featureType: 'poi.park', stylers: [{ color: '#645c20' }, { lightness: 39 }] }, { featureType: '', stylers: [{ color: '#a95521' }, { lightness: 35 }] }, {}, { featureType: 'poi.medical', elementType: 'geometry.fill', stylers: [{ color: '#813033' }, { lightness: 38 }, { visibility: 'off' }] },
<ScriptGoogleMaps :mapOptions="mapOptions" />
See the Facade Component API for full props, events, and slots.
The ScriptGoogleMaps
component emits a single ready
event when the Google Maps is loaded.
const emits = defineEmits<{
ready: [map: google.maps.Map]
To subscribe to Google Map events, you can use the ready
<script setup lang="ts">
function handleReady({ map }) {
map.addListener('center_changed', () => {
console.log('Center changed', map.getCenter())
<ScriptGoogleMaps @ready="handleReady" />
The component provides minimal UI by default, only enough to be functional and accessible. There are a number of slots for you to customize the maps however you like.
The default slot is used to display content that will always be visible.
<div class="absolute top-0 left-0 right-0 p-5 bg-white text-black">
<h1 class="text-xl font-bold">
My Custom Map
The slot is used to display content while the Google Maps is loading.
<template #awaitingLoad>
<div class="bg-blue-500 text-white p-5">
Click to load the map!
The slot is used to display content while the Google Maps is loading.
Note: This shows a ScriptLoadingIndicator
by default for accessibility and UX, by providing a slot you will
override this component. Make sure you provide a loading indicator.
<template #loading>
<div class="bg-blue-500 text-white p-5">
The slot is used to display a placeholder image before the Google Maps is loaded. By default, this will show the Google Maps Static API image for the map.
By providing your own placeholder slot you will disable the default placeholder image from being used and will not be charged for the Static Maps API usage.
<template #placeholder="{ placeholder }">
<img :src="placeholder">
The useScriptGoogleMaps
composable lets you have fine-grain control over the Google Maps SDK. It provides a way to load the Google Maps SDK and interact with it programmatically.
export function useScriptGoogleMaps<T extends GoogleMapsApi>(_options?: GoogleMapsInput) {}
Please follow the Registry Scripts guide to learn more about advanced usage.
export interface GoogleMapsApi {
// @types/google.maps
maps: typeof google.maps
Loading the Google Maps SDK and interacting with it programmatically.
<script setup lang="ts">
/// <reference types="google.maps" />
const { onLoaded } = useScriptGoogleMaps({
apiKey: 'key'
const map = ref()
onMounted(() => {
onLoaded(async (instance) => {
const maps = await instance.maps as any as typeof google.maps // upstream google type issue
new maps.Map(map.value, {
center: { lat: -34.397, lng: 150.644 },
zoom: 8
// Do something with the map
<div ref="map" />