Third-Party Scripts
Meets Nuxt DX
Meets Nuxt DX
Better Web Vitals
Load scripts when they're needed with best practices non-blocking the rendering of your Nuxt app by default.
Privacy for your users
Avoid leaking user data to third-party scripts that don't need it. Ensure your scripts are GDPR compliant.
Developer Experience First
Type-safe and SSR friendly composables that just work wherever you need them.
Secure third-parties
Protect your app from third-party scripts that could be made compromised.
A powerful API with just enough magic
Nuxt Scripts provides an abstraction layer on top of third-party scripts, providing SSR support and type-safety and while still giving you full low-level control over how a script is loaded.
Speed up with Facade Components
Nuxt Scripts provides several Facade Components out of the box.
Facade components are fake UI elements that get replaced once a third-party script loads, they can significantly improve your performance while still providing a great user experience, however they do have trade-offs .
*Note that PageSpeed Insights lab data is a snapshot from a particular day, which tends to be variable. We will be updating this section with aggregated results and/or field data from production usage as soon as it's available.
Cookie consent that's good enough to eat
Nuxt Scripts aims to improve end-user privacy by providing a simple API for managing cookie consent .
All scripts can be loaded conditionally based on user consent, set it up however you need.
A faster web collaboration
Nuxt Scripts was designed and built by the Nuxt core team in collaboration with the Chrome Aurora team at Google.
Nuxt Scripts is being actively maintained by the Nuxt core team and amazing community contributors, we welcome all contributions.
Watch the intro videos from the pros.